Privacy Policy

Who We Are operates as an online platform dedicated to helping users identify potential online scams, fraudulent websites, applications, and platforms.

We are committed to safeguarding the privacy and security of our users’ personal information.


When users leave comments on our website, we collect the information they provide in the comment form. This includes their name, email address, and website (if provided).

Additionally, we collect their IP address and browser details to identify and prevent spam. Please note that if you have a Gravatar account, your email address may be shared with Gravatar to display your profile picture next to your comment.


We may use cookies to enhance the user experience on our website. When you leave a comment, we may save your name, email address, and website in cookies to facilitate the commenting process for future visits.

If you have an account and log in to our website, we use cookies to remember your login information and display preferences. These cookies may vary in duration, with some lasting longer than others.

Embedded Content

Articles on our website may contain embedded content, such as videos or images, from other websites.

This embedded content behaves in the same way as if you had visited the originating website directly. Therefore, it may collect data about your interaction with the content.

Sharing Your Data

If you request a password reset, your IP address will be included in the reset email for security purposes.

Data Retention

Comments and associated information are retained indefinitely. If you register an account on our website, we will retain your profile information.

You have the option to view, edit, or delete your profile information at any time, except for your username, which cannot be changed.

Your Rights

If you have an account on our website or have left comments, you have the right to request a copy of your data or request deletion of your data.

However, please note that we may be required to retain some data for legal or security reasons.

By accessing and using, you acknowledge and consent to the terms outlined in this Privacy Policy.

For any inquiries or concerns regarding our Privacy Policy, please contact us here.

Last updated: 23, May 2024.

Detect Scam Website